Utah State University logo College of Engineering

OSHA 10 - Workplace, Equipment & Jobsite Safety - 2 Day Course

When: Mar 19, 2024 - Mar 20, 2024

8:30 to 5:00

Instructor - Robinson Vasquez, LLM, MBA
Robinson Vasquez works as The American Road and Transportation Builders Association Safety Training & Business Development Manager. He has responsibilities for various safety grants, training programs, and liaisons with the Hispanic construction and safety community in the USA and Latin America. Robinson collaborated in creating several training programs and provided training directly to more than 30,000 roadway construction workers and industry stakeholders, saving lives and improving the profits of multiple organizations in this sector. Robinson was born in Lima-Peru, where he also served as an attorney and a notary of Lima.

Cost: $300



USU Distance Campus
920 W Levoy Dr
Taylorsville, Utah 84123

1 spot(s) still available.

Course Description

This course, accredited by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was developed by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) in cooperation with the National Safety Council (NSC). The 12.5-hour curriculum is designed to directly address the core safety and health hazards common to the roadway construction industry. This program focuses on highway construction activities that are responsible for the majority of work zone fatalities and serious injuries and practical approaches to recognizing and controlling OSHA-identified construction hazards, accompanied with "hands-on" activities to reinforce the formal instruction.

Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of your valid OSHA Card. The Department of Labor (DOL) OSHA Card does not have an expiration date. However, since OSHA regulations change periodically, it is recommended that you renew your training every 4-5 years.

The student course completion cards in Construction, General Industry, and Disaster Site do not have an expiration date. The form and content of additional training is left to the discretion of the student and/or employer.

The Outreach Training Program is intended as an orientation to Occupational Safety and Health. Workers must receive additional training on specific hazards of their job.

Professional CEUs

This course counts as 10 Utah DOPL-approved CEUs for licensed Contractors. (Additional fee applies.)

Registration Notes

Notification of cancellation must be received prior to registration deadline. Substitutions may be made at any time. Please notify us of any changes.

Road Scholar

This course fulfills a Level 1 requirement for the Road Scholar program.