Utah State University logo College of Engineering

Bridge Evaluation, Repair, Load Rating

Road Scholar Eligibility

This class is a fills a Electives requirement.


Length: 4 hours

Some in local government may not realize that structures under local roads require approval and inspection from UDOT. Therefore, it is important for local governments to understand what constitutes a structure and how they should coordinate with UDOT.  There may be other facilities that are outside of UDOT oversight, but they should have similar focus on proper design, maintenance and inspection. This course is a 4 hour course that will cover: basic bridge components, typical deterioration, and preservation methods as well as touching on joint cleaning/maintenance, potholes, and quick overview of costs etc. We are excited to offer this class and feel it will be a major benefit to anyone who would like more information on maintaining their bridges, as maintenance prevents higher replacement/repair costs in the future.