TAMS CHANGES: --------------------------------------------------------------- * Below changes will not show up until starting a new project. * Added all asphalt distress images, descriptions * Removed "roughness" distress. * Split "patches" and "potholes" into 2 distresses * Hopefully fixed - About screen reports correct version * Fixed red "save" indicator remaining after de-selecting unsaved segment * Fixed issue with saving distress information * Changing surface type enables save button * Fixed bug in log rotation. Small updates to log rotation * Fixed bug opening projects from UNC network path KNOWN BUGS: --------------------------------------------------------------- * History button was enabled, but does nothing. (Disabled for now) * Multi-selection save is problematic. Suggested to only save one segment at at time. * Saving new information to multiple segments will wipe any previous values for those segments; even if you leave entries blank. (Should only overwrite entries that are not blank.) * Speed limit and lanes (other?) are set to 0 on multi-save (with blank value) * Missing descriptions on settings page. * Can't change data entry date * Blank settings dialog will still open from menu if there are no available settings. * Map segments not shaded according to RSL * Installing updates *may* reset settings (mostly most recent project will be blank). * Missing concrete distress images, descriptions